
Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra Emerges With New Season

check out this spectacular symphony with their Symphony Spectacular on Oct. 18

Caitlin Boyle, photos by Lee Butterworth |

CUE THE BRASS! The Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra is back with a musically packed schedule after postponing their 2020-21 season.
CUE THE BRASS! The Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra is back with a musically packed schedule after postponing their 2020-21 season.

Cue the brass, bring in the winds, and grab a seat for the return of live music from the Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra this fall.

After postponing their 2020-21 season, the orchestra is back with a musically packed schedule, and have been hard at work planning a season that will still center around COVID-19 safety protocols. Anna Rybicki, executive director of CVSO, said everyone involved was ready to meet those challenges for the new season. “Our board decided to require all musicians playing with us this season to be fully vaccinated.” Rybicki said. “In addition, we are following safety protocols in our rehearsal and performance space, which includes masking of musicians and putting bell covers on wind instruments.”

The season kicked off on Sept. 24 with the program “Emergence” – an appropriate title, Rybicki said, as the orchestra emerges from isolation to play live again.

Next up on their performance schedule is “Symphony Spectacular” on Oct. 18, where audiences can experience the power of symphonic music with a variety of symphonic pieces that show complex, contrasting styles and communicate a wide range of emotions. As a bonus, Sophia Jiang, winner of the 2021 Young Artist Competition, will perform portions of Ravel’s “Piano Concerto in G Major.”

The remainder of the season includes an exciting twist on selections of “The Nutcracker” in December, and a season finale in May with “Brahms in Spring.”

All concerts will be performed in the RCU Theatre at the Pablo Center at the Confluence with a start time of 7:30pm. Tickets are available at,, or call 715-832-2787. For details on the concerts and for more information about CVSO, visit or find them on Facebook (ChippewaValleySymphony) and Instagram (@chippewavalleysymphony).

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