Three Animal Things We Love Right Now | June 15, 2023
newborn fawns, grand animals, and kitten paintings

OH DEER, A NEWBORN FAWN WAS FOUND SNUGGLED up to the tombstone of Steven Hurlburt by his father, Brent on May 25 in the Eau Claire Area Photography group. Brent wrote in a post on Facebook that he and his son had a passion for deer hunting together, his tombstone capturing a photo of him with a buck. “To have this fawn appear on his grave just days after his birthday is by far the best feeling I have had since he died,” Brent said in the post.

MEET MARCUS, THIS YEAR'S DOLL & PET PARADE GRAND ANIMAL of the Chippewa Valley. Marcus the goat led the 76th annual parade on June 4 in Owen Park. Folks alongside their dolls and pets strutted their stuff from 2-3pm, the event hosted by the Clear Water Kiwanis Club of Eau Claire. This year’s theme was “Your Day to Shine,” and ‘shine’ they did! You can see more photos from the event on the Clear Water Kiwanis Club Facebook page.

JUST CALL HIM PI(CAT)SSO. This beautiful baby got it's little easel out to raise awareness about the Paint Party Fundraiser to benefit the Chippewa Humane Association held on June 11. While the kittens didn’t actually get to use the paints, lots of humans did at the event, creating bright and colorful bird scenes on a 12 x 24 canvas or 10x24 wood plank in a class held by the humane association. There were also raffles prizes and an all-around good time.