Kid Stuff Books Family Life

MAKING MEMORIES: Locally-Penned Book Intended for Adventuring Kiddos

author Nikki Wilson says her son’s ’normal’ baby book just wasn’t cutting it

Sawyer Hoff |

ADVENTURES FOR LITTLE HUMANS. Eau Claire resident Nikki Wilson published her first book, a
ADVENTURES FOR LITTLE HUMANS. Eau Claire resident Nikki Wilson published her first book, an adventurous take on a baby book. (Submitted photos)

When it comes to documenting all of your child’s big milestones, you want to make sure to cover all your bases. For Eau Claire resident Nikki Wilson, having enough space for all of her son’s firsts was becoming a bit tricky in the basic baby book she had.

“There were a lot of things growing up with my family and going on so many trips and adventures that I wanted to share with my kids,” Wilson said. “(My husband and I) started as soon as we had a baby, taking him to all these places and there was just nowhere in his baby book to write about it. Typically the books are just for first milestones like first steps and first words, but there isn’t (space for) the first time you rode on a train or first time out of the state.”

Nikki Wilson with her husband, Josh, and their son.
Nikki Wilson with her husband, Josh, their dogs, and their son.

This prompted her to create her own memory book – one specifically targeted towards families who love to travel with their kids. Her book, Adventurer Baby: A Book of First Encounters, has many unique features including different firsts to log (first time on a plane, first time gardening, first time catching a fish, first time at a state park, etc.), a map of the U.S. to mark as your child visits a new state, a spot for a family tree, for first encounters with nature (bugs, mud, snow, etc.), and plenty of space for photos.

“It’s geared towards northwoods living since that’s where I live, and that’s the majority of things that I wanted to put in,” Wilson said.

Wilson says this book is intended for adventurous families or parents who want to engage in more activities with their kids outdoors and need a little inspiration and motivation. Another positive about the book’s setup is that it’s not just meant for newborns. Any young children starting to venture out into the world will enjoy looking back on memories contained in the book.

Adventurer Baby is available locally at The Local Store (205 N. Dewey St., Eau Claire), Eau Baby (2741 N Clairemont Ave. Suite B, Eau Claire), and Tangled Up in Hue (505 S. Barstow St. B, Eau Claire). It is also available in hardcover and softcover on Amazon.