Music Visual Art Events

New Music & Art Festival Centers Symbolic Message of Togetherness

experience music, art, and collective spirit at inaugural Eau Claire Unity Groove

author & photos by Evelyn Nelson |

Faith Freedlund, creator of the Unity Groove event, posts a promotional flyer on a community bulletin in downtown Eau Claire. This event fosters messages of inclusivity, artistic expression, and unity across various backgrounds and disciplines, she said.
GET GROOVIN'. Faith Freedlund, creator of the Unity Groove event, posted a promotional flyer on a community bulletin board in downtown Eau Claire. This event fosters messages of inclusivity, artistic expression, and unity across various backgrounds and disciplines, she said.

The Eau Claire Unity Groove event will begin at 12:30pm and continue through sunset on Sunday, Sept. 8, at Phoenix Park in downtown Eau Claire. Organized by Peace and Unity EC, the event aims to connect local artists, musicians, businesses, and entrepreneurs for a day of live performances, interactive art installations, and outdoor activities. 

The greater mission, according to their online platforms, is to foster a sense of unity and togetherness through shared artistic experiences. 

Faith Freedlund, creator of the Unity Groove event, immediately felt she could call the city her home when she moved to Eau Claire this past year.

“There is already so much community here. When we come together at Unity Groove, we will make people even more inspired to keep feeling gratitude in life and keep the love going.”



Freedlund was moved by the vibrant energy of the downtown community, where artists, musicians and creatives regularly come together to showcase their talents. Along the way, she witnessed a genuine desire for more opportunities to unify people through the joy of creation, she said.

“There is already so much community here,” Freedlund said. “When we come together at Unity Groove, we will make people even more inspired to keep feeling gratitude in life and keep the love going.”

SimplyBowls Smoothies, Truckers Union, and BarbaLynn’s Vintage are just a few of the assorted mix of clothing, art, and food vendors expected to attend Unity Groove. The event will also feature live music starting at 2pm, with performances spanning multiple genres.

Pace, a member of the local music group Irie Sol, said this event will be a culmination of all the hard work artists have contributed to the past year, as well as an opportunity to cross-collaborate with other like-minded individuals, he said. 

“I'm looking forward to everyone and everything coming together,” Pace said. “The sights of visual art and the beauty of Phoenix Park; the sounds of the musicians, conversations, laughter, and birdsong; the smell of the food and the fragrant summer breeze – the synesthetic symbiosis of Unity Groove.”

There’s something for everyone to enjoy throughout the day, Freedlund said. Visit @peaceandunityec on Instagram for continual updates on the event’s itinerary and special announcements.