Local 'Dork Nerd Geek' podcast exactly what it sounds like

Matt Ledger |

Understands the word
Understands the word "podcast" more than you do.

Dorks! Nerds! Geeks! Suffer in silence no longer, for there are those among you who have heard your cries for a local podcast having to do with all manner of geekitude. Wait, what’s that you say? You haven’t been crying out for a locally produced audio dissertation of nerdery? You’ve been too busy reading comic books and designing superconductors to demand such a thing?

 Well you’re in luck, because Dan, Ryan, and Jordan from Menomonie have been producing their podcast, Dork Nerd Geek and Freak of the Week (an extra ten geek points if you get the Smallville reference), for a year now despite the fact that you’ve been too busy to ask them to. The trio, who have been friends since 1999, are vetted nerds (they’ve kept a bi-weekly roleplaying date going for almost twelve years now) and also pretty cool guys – at least as far as I can gather from their recordings. On the podcast, they discuss pretty much anything your nerd brain could hope for, from local beers to lunar astrophysics. Listening to the trio rant and rave really is like imagining what would happen if, as Ryan says, “the History, Sci-Fi, and Discovery Channels had a three-way baby, and that baby drank beer and played Dungeons and Dragons.” The topics they talk about are that eclectic and interesting.

Average listener.

So if you have any geek in you, even a tiny bit, this podcast is for you. It already seems to have found an audience, with over 200 people following the podcast’s Facebook page. Episode 17 of Dork Nerd Geek and Freak of the Week just went live yesterday, and you can find an archive of previous episodes here. So get listening, dorks.

Disclaimer: The author of this blog post uses the words dork, nerd, and geek completely aware of the knowledge that he is all three of these things. If you would like to direct a nerdy complaint or hypothetical match-up between Iron Fist and Ryu his way, feel free.

Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

The Local Store is adding vintage-style tees featuring the logos of famous former businesses we all know and love. We call the series Local Legends, and we want YOU to pick the tees we’ll make this year.

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