WAMI Looks Northward Once More

Matt Ledger |

When they heard of their nomination, the guys in Daredevil immediately took to the streets.
The Daredevil Christopher Wright will be playing at this year's WAMI award show down in Milwaukee. And this is how they travel.

Bands of northern Wisconsin, take note. It seems it’s not quite as impossible as it once was to get noticed by the folks at the Wisconsin Area Music Industry (or WAMI, as the kids call it). Or it's getting easier. Maybe. Most years, it seems that the Milwaukee-based WAMI has trouble looking north of Prairie du Sac when they’re nominating artists; most of the nominees, and thus the winners, hail from southeastern Wisconsin. This year, however, local band The Daredevil Christopher Wright has not only been nominated for Best Alternative Band, they’re playing at the awards show on April 17.

Woah, right? Chalk that one up as a small win for the Chippewa Valley music scene. In addition, the not-so-local but still very northern band 4th Floor, who hail from Three Lakes (it’s north of Rhinelander), are nominated for Best Hard Rock Band. And some French guy named Bon Iver is up for Artist of the Year. Again. We hear he's from the area.

It’s nice to see northern Wisconsin represented, even if, you know, it’s only by ... three bands. It means there’s hope WAMI will keep its eyes and ears pointed northward and  more people around the state will be in tune with what’s happening in the music scene up here.

Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

The Local Store is adding vintage-style tees featuring the logos of famous former businesses we all know and love. We call the series Local Legends, and we want YOU to pick the tees we’ll make this year.

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contest ends Sun. Sep. 29