Best of the Chippewa Valley

Reader Polls

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2022

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2023

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2024

Best Teacher / Professor

Have you thanked your favorite teacher lately — the one that sparked your curiosity or offered words of encouragement? It’s undoubtedly true that teachers don’t get the credit they deserve for helping guide young minds, but the staff at one Chippewa Valley school is getting some well-justified applause thanks to voters in this year’s poll. For the second consecutive year, perennial favorite Colleen Chmelik, a math teacher at Altoona Middle School, takes the top spot. Close on her heels are two of her colleagues: music teacher Lauren Lierman and math teacher Addison Van Ess. Let’s Go Rails! —Tom Giffey