Scholarship Program Helps Dunn County Kids With Diabetes Attend Summer Camp
the CBJ Kids to Camp Scholarship honors Cammie B. Johnson

Dunn County honors former camper Cammie B. Johnson with their CBJ Kids to Camp Scholarship, which is geared towards area campers with diabetes.
Cammie was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was 10 years old, and was passionate about attending – and then working – at the American Diabetes Association Camp Sioux. Just before her 21st birthday, Cammie passed away due to complications of diabetes. Now, her legacy lives on through the CBJ Kids to Camp Scholarship as an opportunity for other kids to attend summer camp.
“Camp makes you forget you have diabetes when you’re there, and it really, truly changes your life. It has made a superb kind of dent in my Type 1 Diabetic shell,” Gracie Steinmeyer, a CBJ Kids to Camp awardee, said.
The scholarship is run through the Dunn County Community Foundation and is available for any campers who live in Dunn County or attend a school in the Dunn County School District. Applications must be for summer camps that are certified by the American Diabetes Association – two qualifying Wisconsin camps are Camp Needlepoint (Hudson) and Camp Lakota (Rosholt).
Applicants must write an essay up to 500 words about how attending camp would make a difference in their lives and how they would use that camp experience to help other youths struggling with the challenges of diabetes.
Awardees will receive scholarship awards of up to $850 each. Applications can be sent at any time through the Community Foundation website, but must be at least eight weeks before the scheduled camp. Any questions about the scholarship program can be sent to