Best of the Chippewa Valley

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Worst Stoplight

Volume One readers are the best drivers in the world. If only everyone else could drive as well as us, we wouldn’t even bring this up. Those other people are terrible, aren't they? Buckle up, dig your fingernails into the steering wheel, and scream “Come on!!!!” out loud even though you are alone in your car – it’s time to review these terrible, terrible stoplights in town. Anyone who's taken Gateway Drive and Prill/Golf Road (by Kohl’s) has wondered, “If I get out of my car and walk around for a while, will anyone even notice?” The intersection of Hastings Way and Brackett Avenue isn’t much better, where it’s easy to wonder if you could roll down your window, yell towards one of the drug stores, and have them hand you some headache medicine. And finally – going to the mall? Walk. Don’t even think of driving there. Take a bus. Use your helicopter. Please. We are begging you. Please. –Cullen Ryan