Foster Services

Anu Family Services, Inc.

Anu is a non-profit treatment foster care agency with a mission to create permanent connections to loving and stable families. Anu provides a full continuum of family-based services; including prevention services, out-of-home care, and permanence services, which all ensure safety, lead a path to permanency, and promote greater wellbeing.

4319 Jeffers Rd # 100, Eau Claire

Foster Services Parenting Resources

Family Works Programs, Inc.

As a child-placing agency, Family Works Programs, Inc. provides treatment foster care to at-risk children throughout the state of Wisconsin. We license, train, and support foster parents to care for children in the foster family’s home. The job of foster parenting is made easier by our social work staff who visit the foster home frequently, develop treatment plans, and facilitate the child’s treatment team.

See contact info for location details, Eau Claire

Foster Services Parenting Resources

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